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FootArmor Extreme Cushioning & Support

Give footwear a competitive edge with one of the most innovative footwear accessory available!

  • Biomechanically engineered forhighestperformance
  • Extreme impact protection for maximum stamina
  • Drastically heat fighting for supreme endurance

FOOT ARMOR‘s design is based  on podiatric sport biomechanics and helps align bones, muscles and tendons so the foot can operate at its highest possible efficiency during the gait cycle. It helps convert energy into motion instead of foot deformation.

A combination of five of the most advanced materials is used to help enhance the athlete’s performance and protect the athlete to reduce fatigue and increase endurance

  • Biomechanically engineered, FirmFlex core, size calibrated flexibility, designed to redistribute forces acting on the foot. Supports arch, distributes pressure, limits over-rotation and over-extension
  • 3/8" (4mm) PORON®XRD Extreme Impact Protection foot shield. Advanced high-tech foam that is soft, contouring and provides a CUSTOMIZED fit
  • ControlP rear-foot stabilizer, designed to limit excessive lateral movement.
  • HGuard with PFRelief, helps reduce strain
  • Heat-fighting antifriction technology to lower in-shoe temperature and blister formation
  • moisture wicking
  • antimicrobial
  • open cell - breathable
  • light

